…it’s time to re-read my favorite books!
If you’ve followed me for awhile, you may know that I’m a huge Sophie Kinsella fan. Her writing from 2000-2010ish: perfection. Since then, not so much.
But every June I re-read my favorites. I bought almost all of them at a used bookstore back in 2011-2012. I read most of them for the first time from the library in maybe 2009? But I did it in June/July, so now that’s when I re-read them. (Not pictured for some reason: Can You Keep a Secret?)
I cannot stress enough how comforting this ritual is to me. I skipped last year because I had a 2-3 month old and was kindle-reading only because anything that required two hands to hold was out.
But I did it the year before when we’d just moved into this house and had no internet access for 2+ months (that story will be forthcoming, I promise) and I re-read them all through multiple deployments. It’s been one solid comfort I can fall back on during the month of June each year if I need it.
Is there anything you re-read out of sheer comfort?